

The overall vision is a knowledge-based society, which is globally competitive and productive, and giving rise to the strategic placement of Guyana as a premier ICT hub in the region.

  • Liberalized telecommunications sector.
  • Digital transformation of all government services.
  • Building ICT capacity by training 3000 persons in ICT.
  • 1000 free internet connection across six (6) regions.
  • $1.3 billion budgeted to support the sector’s rapid development.
  • Massive job creation anticipated for 2022 & 2023.
  • Guyana’s ICT Sector has progressed over the last decade.
  • The ICT Industry comprises telecommunications operators, internet service providers, telemarketing call centres, inbound customer support, voice mail transcription, medical records transcription, and data warehousing & operators, broadcast institutions, ICT education providers, internet cafés, etc.
  • The ICT industry was improved by with two submarine fibre optic cables and services rolled out in 2017 and 2019. More is on-stream for 2022.
  • ICT will bridge the divide between the Hinterland and Coastland with the Hinterland Poor and Remote Communities Project.
  • 200 new ICT Hubs in the Hinterland Area.
  • Mobile Operators in Guyana: Digicel & Guyana Telephone and Telegraph
  • The ICT sector is under the oversight of the Office of the Prime Minister
  • Contributed to GDP US $140.46 Million (2018)



 Increase access to cheaper data and bandwidth:

  • Allowing more fibre optic cables to terminate in Guyana
  • Invest in ICT hotspots and hubs in the hinterland communities
  • Scaling up state-sponsored efforts to provide countrywide cover with fibre optic cables and other wireless options to ensure subsidized access to poor and remote households. The medium through which every household, including poor ones, will be able to connect to the internet will be reinstated One Laptop Per Family program.
  • Removing VAT on cell phones and data
  • Look to implement 4G and 5G technology


 Increase ICT literacy:

  • Providing schools with appropriate equipment and software
  • Reforming school curricula for the development of ICT proficiencies
  • Providing incentives for training in ICT.
  • Providing training programmes ranging from beginner, intermediate and advance levels across the country.
  • These training programmes have seen the formation of a pool of individuals who can support investment opportunities in Software Development, BPOs, Data Processing Services, Telecommunications Services, Utility Computing Services, Software Engineering, Online Education, among other things.
  • Establish a Training of Trainers (ToT ) program for Remote and Riverain Communities for the Hinterland Ares.
  • Establishing an international Institute of Technology in Guyana.
  • Promote E-Governance, which will improve the productivity of business and delivery of government services through the introduction of E-health, E-education, E-security, E-agriculture, electronic permit and license processing, etc.


 ICT as an enabler for jobs creation:

  • Creation of small and medium-size ICT enterprises and entrepreneurial ventures and encourage youths and PWDs to pursue ICT related careers.
  • Promote more of the Innovation Camps, ICT Job Board, ICT Job Fairs, Code Sprints, Apprenticeship/Internship Schemes and PWDs accessibility programs.
  • Provide industry-related job opportunities such as the new Call Centres in Essequibo and Berbice which will create 2000+ jobs in ICT by 2023.
  • The emergence of a number of skilled persons that showed significant interest in Programming/Coding, Software Development and Robotics.


Modernization of Legislation/Policies

  • Creating an atmosphere that is conducive to ICT economic growth by devising and implementing related ICT policies
  • The Industry and Innovation Unit is currently doing a Data Protection Legislation to be completed in 2022/2023.
  • A National ICT Strategic Plan 2030
  • Cybercrime Legislation to be completed by 2022



  • Room in ICT driven by oil and gas development.
  • Highly developed and diversified human resource base
  • An attractive destination for ICT investment based on the country’s time zone
  • Access to markets regional and international markets
  • Attractive demands in ICT Business Incubators in all sectors.
  • Investment opportunities in Data Centres
  • Need for more Call Centres and BPO operations.
  • In 2022, the goal is to create 25000 new jobs in 5 years.
  • Demand for Computer and Mobile Assembly Factories to create employment.
  • Venture Capital/Innovation funds specifically targeted at ICT Business start-ups.
  • Demand for E-Tourism (Guyana as a virtual tourist destination)
  • Modern Legislation (Data Protection and E-Commerce)
  • Development of National E-Commerce Strategy for Guyana


Investment Opportunities

Communications Services

Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO)

  • Back and front office functions
  • Call Centers
  • Outbound and Sales Telemarketing
  • Inbound Customer Sales Support
  • Voicemail Transcript
  • Medical Records Transcription

Telecommunication Services

  • Voice Telephone Service (Landlines and Cellular Services)
  • Telephony
  • Telex Services
  • Telegraphy Services
  • Facsimile Services


Computer and Information Services

Consultancy Services

  • Installation of computer hardware

Software Implementation Services

  • Network Management and Security
  • Software Development
  • Application Support

Data Processing Services

  • Web Development
  • Internet Services

Database Services

  • Data Warehousing


Other Services

Online Education

  • Training and e-learning

Hardware Retail


  • Computer assembly stores/services centres

Other ICT-Enable Services

  • Insurance Services
  • Financial Services
  • Royalties and License Fees
  • Personal and recreational Services
  • Smart Grids
  • Other Business

Fiscal Incentives

  • No VAT on cellphones and data
  • No taxation on electricity
  • No VAT for Telecommunications Usage.Waivers of Duty
  • Excise Tax
  • Tax Exemptions on ICT Equipment and Machinery including computers and their hardware accessories, integrated circuits, micro assemblies and apparatus.
  • Zero-rated of Value-Added-Tax on computers and hardware accessories, routers, switches and hubs for networking computers, toner cartridges and ink cartridges for computer printers.


The following concessions are available to investors (both local and foreign) in the ICT Sector:

Utilities : The Government of Guyana will facilitate negotiations with the utility companies (Guyana Power & Light, Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Company and the Guyana Water Authority) for the timely supply of electricity, telecommunications and an adequate water supply to support employees.

Tax Holiday: Favourable consideration given for Tax Holiday once requirements are met.

Licenses: The Government of Guyana will issue the Company with a VSAT license.

The VSAT License shall be utilized only for the Call Centre activities as described herein and no link outside the business activities of the Call Centre shall be permitted.

Full Waiver of import duties and taxes

  • Full waiver of duties and taxes on all imported, machinery, equipment and vehicles, which are deemed essential for the establishment of a Call Centre.
  • Full waiver of duties and taxes on all imported materials, parts, components and other inputs required for the establishment of a Call Centre which is not locally manufactured, including cooling equipment and building materials for the operation of the Call Centre.

Training Grant: The Government of Guyana will facilitate discussions with the appropriate international agencies for training grants for the Company.

Work permits : The government will provide work permits to specialist workers and trainers (up to 10% of total employees) who have to be hired from abroad once they satisfy the criteria for the granting of such status. The company must however put in place a programmer to train local labour to undertake specialized jobs.

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