The most attractive investment destination

  • Fastest growing economy 
  • Resource rich country
  • Multi-sector opportunities 
  • Low operation costs
  • Ideal location to access global markets
  • Fiscal incentives for investments
  • Private sector focused government
  • Diverse cultures and heritage

Guyana is poised to experience economic ‘boom’

Guyana’s economy was ranked among one of the five fastest growing economies in the world by Nasdaq, Bloomberg and the International Monetary Fund (IMF); at a time when the rest of the world’s economy is in decline. The country’s GDP for 2019 was US$4.28B, a 10.36% increase from 2018 and is expected to have a 26.2% growth in 2020 according to the IMF revised forecast. Exxon Mobil has projected to produce at least 750,000 barrels of oil per day by year 2025. 

Guyana is on the verge of becoming the largest oil producing country in the world on a per capita basis. Guyana is already preparing for this by putting in place the regulatory framework to manage the sector and the investments that would follow. 

Other productive sectors such as tourism, agriculture, construction, manufacturing, energy, transportation, mining and services is set to significantly expand and offer broader scope of investment opportunities. 

Guyana is the only English-speaking country located on the Northern coast of South America and classified as a lower-middle-income country, with US$5,000 per capita income (2019), GDP of US$4 billion and a population of approximately 750,000. The structure of Guyana’s economy is relatively diverse, such as gold, diamond, and bauxite mining, agriculture, fishing and livestock, forestry, rice, sugar, gold, manufacturing and services, engineering, and construction.

With recent oil discoveries, Guyana’s gross recoverable resources is now estimated at more than 9.0 billion barrels, making it one of the most significant global finds in recent years. 

The Government under President Irfaan Ali is committed to economic transformation of Guyana and has embraced an investor friendly and a strong private sector position.  To stimulate investment across Guyana, the Government is offering a wide range of tax and fiscal incentives to investors in addition to investing billions with upgrade infrastructure, education and energy. 

Guyana is taking off, come soar with us!

Guyana the Gateway to Opportunities

Opportunities Overview

This industry includes seafood and aquaculture; agro-processing (fruit juice concentrates and pulp, sauces, vegetable flour); fresh fruits and vegetables; livestock (poultry, beef, mutton, pork and goat); inputs (seeds, fertilizers); machinery and equipment, sugar cane and rice, spices etc.


  1. Public/Private Partnership in the sugar industry: The Government of Guyana (GoG) moving to reopen some of the closed sugar estates in an effort to expand and diversify the industry. 
  2. President Dr. Irfaan Ali announced recently that the Government will launch the Wales Development Authority “which will be a new area of development that will benefit from special incentives and special tax regime to motivate investors in manufacturing, industrial development, warehousing, connectivity and wharf development.
  3. Regional Sugar Refinery in Guyana: Guyana is one of four Caribbean countries that is still involved in sugar production. As part of the its expansion plan for the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc., the Guyana Government is considering producing the plantation white sugar as part of the State enterprise’s production plan. In this respect, Guyana will explore mobilizing private and public investments including investment from the other three sugar producing countries to build a sugar refinery in Guyana which can serve as a regional refinery for the other CARICOM countries.

Further to note, since the government is moving ahead aggressively with its strategy to achieve a 50% reduction in energy cost over the next five years – this opportunity would be very attractive.


  • Guyana has a thriving rice producing sector which accounted for more than US$220 million in exports earnings in 2019 or more than 14% of total exports.
  • The Government has pledged to extend existing markets and secure new markets for rice and paddy. In an effort to encourage increased investments in this sector, the Government has removed VAT on machinery, equipment, fertilizers and pesticides etc., maintain budgetary support for improved drainage and irrigation systems and farm to market roads.

Other Agriculture opportunities 

  • The Government is also seeking to expand soya beans and other crops in the Hinterland Savannahs;
  • Increase productivity through research and development into new strains and pest control;
  • Explore a price stabilization/revolving fund facility for farmers
  • Government is committed to create a supporting environment through incentives, improved drainage and irrigation, enhanced processing and marketing;
  • Promote agricultural diversification with special focus on coconut, ethanol, aquafarms and horticulture.
  • Agri-energy industry producing bio-ethanol through sugar cane, palm oil, cassava and corn
  • Expand production of import substitution crops

Cattle and Livestock

  • The Government will provide support for and offer small grants to livestock farmers;
  • Concessions to large scale farming
  • Provide appropriate breeding stock, training and facilities for processing, packaging and storage of meat;
  • Incentivize private investment in dairy plants, dairy processing facilities, and establishment of modern abattoir facilities in livestock producing regions;
  • Provide more efficient zoning to support and protect both livestock farmers and crop farmers.

The manufacturing sector comprise of textiles and garments; pharmaceuticals; building and construction materials; packaging, furniture, wood flooring, etc.

Government support: 

  • Provide the business sector with cheaper, reliable and stable power (50% cost reduction within 5 years);
  • Provide tax-incentives for new investments, re-tooling and technological improvements;
  • Establish industrial parks/estates for manufacturing in Coastal and Hinterland regions;
  • Establish a Fund to stimulate innovation and new businesses.

This sector includes resorts, hotels, recreational activities, (cruise ships, yachting, bird watching, nature tourism, fishing), car rental, etc.

Government support:

  • Develop a Hospitality Institute and provide specialized tourism training for skills required
  • Provide incentives for businesses in the hospitality industry
  • Push for the establishment of world class hotels;
  • Global marketing and promotion  of Guyana nature, eco and adventure tourism.

This industry includes solar power, hydro-power, bio fuels, bio-diesel, wind power, co-generation from rice husk/bagasse and biomass power as well as petroleum and gas exploration.

Government targets:

  • Complete the Amaila Hydro-project;
  • Produce in excess of 200 MW in the interim from natural gas (gas to shore project);
  • Expand the Hinterland electrification programme;
  • Replace and upgrade solar panels in the Hinterland;
  • Take urgent action to improve and upgrade the national grid; and
  • Develop micro grids for large Hinterland villages

Opportunities and potential projects

  • Biomass from sugarcane, rice, wood and coconut waste product
  • Solar powered farms and micro-grids on the coast and hinterland
  • Hydropower, 165 MW through Amaila Falls project 
  • Wind generation – 40MW have been mapped out on the Guyana coast. 

This sector includes the downstream wood processing (flooring, decking, moulding, doors, shingles, dimensional lumber, furniture, plywood, veneers, etc.).

Government support:

  • No VAT on machinery and equipment;
  • Massive improvement and expansion of infrastructure
  • Provide incentives for re-tooling and expanding industry;
  • Promote the use of lesser known species of wood; 
  • Provide marketing support including bilateral arrangements to expand into new markets.

The Mining industry includes the extractive sectors such as gold, diamond and oil and gas. The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission facilitates all other fiscal incentives concerning the extractive industries.

Government support:

  • Extend and upgrade roads in mining communities;
  • No VAT on machinery and equipment and maintain royalty to 2%;
  • Provide more access to small miners by strengthening the system for allocating mining concessions;
  • Accelerate the implementation of projects in the bauxite and non-traditional sectors.

This sector includes Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), call centers (inbound/outbound), software development, as well as medical, accounting and legal transcription.

Government support:

  • ICT Liberalization;
  • Allowing more fiber optic cables to terminate in Guyana;
  • Scaling up State sponsored efforts to provide country wide-cover with other wireless options to ensure subsidized access to poor and remote households;
  • No VAT on data;
  • Providing schools with appropriate equipment and software;
  • Providing incentives for ICT training;
  • Establish an international institute of technology in Guyana

This industry includes the financial, medical, environmental, transportation, machining, downstream activities within the oil and gas industry etc.

Investment opportunities exist in the services sectors as there is need for development of the financial market (financial institutions/access to financing) as well as medical educational facilities as well.

The Government has an ambitious transformational agenda with respect to bridging the infrastructure gap that Guyana currently experiences coupled with a massive housing development drive over the next five years with a target of 50,000 house lots allocations.

Projects are open to private partnership/private investment and they include:

  • Expand roads, developing drainage and irrigation system, maintain airstrips, new schools, new hospitals with modernize equipment;
  • Improve community roads and implement Urban improvement programme in Georgetown and other Urban areas;
  • Provide better drainage and irrigation systems to improve agricultural productivity and community health welfare;
  • Provide significant support from central government for garbage collection in communities;
  • Ensure regular maintenance of outfall channels and sluices and procure suitable dredging equipment for each affected region;
  • Build a bypass road with connections to Mocha, Eccles East Bank Demerara and the Demerara Harbour Bridge;
  • Build and maintain 2000 miles of Hinterland road;
  • Maintain Hinterland airstrips and develop Lethem to an international port of entry status;
  • Expand river transport and improve ferry service;
  • Build new schools and hospitals outfitted with modern equipment;
  • Build deep water harbour at the Berbice estuary;
  • The Linden to Lethem road – Guyana/Brazil road link;
  • Four lane highway from Georgetown to Timehri;
  • Bridge the Corentyne River;
  • Duty free zones;
  • Build a new high span bridge across the Demerara river.
Guyana is Bursting with Opportunities

Together we can Build Something Great in Guyana!

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