Guyana is a rapidly emerging economy with enormous untapped opportunities. The country’s geographic position at the gateway to the Caribbean and South America, combined with its natural resources, access to key export markets, English-speaking population and affordable labor present investors with profitable opportunities in Guyana. Supported by stable macroeconomic policies, attractive investment incentives, and a regulatory environment and corporate tax regime that do not discriminate against foreign investors, Guyana also provides investors favorable conditions to do business.

Recently, Guyana has achieved remarkable progress in its efforts to open its economy through market-oriented reforms and improvements in the investment climate, while at the same time stabilizing inflation, reducing fiscal and balance of payments deficits, and strengthening infrastructure, health services and the education system. 

Both private and public sector leaders agree that continued progress depends on Guyana’s ability to adjust to the ever-changing global economy by responding to new challenges and taking advantage of new opportunities. As part of the NDS, Guyana is implementing a National Competitiveness Strategy (NCS) designed to further improve the investment climate and support the emergence of non-traditional export sectors, while continuing to fortify the forestry mining, sugar and rice sectors for which Guyana is so well known.


Guyana offers potential investors—foreign and domestic alike—a broad spectrum of investment choices, ranging from more traditional industries (such as mining, sugar, rice and timber), to non-traditional export sectors (such as aquaculture, agro processing, fresh fruits and vegetables, light manufacturing, value-added forest products), to services exports (such as tourism and Information Technology (IT)-enabled services). Many products receive duty-free or reduced-duty treatment in destination markets. 

Guyana is Bursting with Opportunities

Together we can Build Something Great in Guyana!

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